TessEm8000 Performance Comparison

A typical power distribution control display, see below, containing 2132 screen objects and 8 background color rectangles was used to compare the performance of the TessEm8000 with an original TESSELATOR 8000.

Typical power distribution control display
Typical power distribution control display

The display information was stored in Local Display Storage. Sending the following commands from a host computer to the display channel performed the test: CLEAR WORK AREA SCREEN (CF 48H) followed by LOCAL STORAGE LOAD (CF FBH). The command sequence was repeated 100 times sent in one communication message (ADLP10- and TOP-message).

Average display presentation time in ms
TessEm8000 55 (*) 31 (**)
TESSELATOR 8300 280 (*) -
(*)Lines drawn using symbols.
(**)Lines drawn using vectors.

The TessEm8000, version 1.0.0, was running on a standard PC with the following data:
  • Operating system: Windows XP Professional version 2002, Service Pack 1
  • PC equipment: Intel Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, 512 MB RAM.
  • Screen resolution: 2560 x 1024 pixels
  • Color quality: 32 bits per pixel ("Highest")
  • Display adapter: Matrox G450 DualHead DVI PCI, 32 MB RAM
Check out the blistering performance of the TessEm8000 in a low resolution video!
NOTE: The video file size is 6 MB if you are using a slow Internet connection!

The video shows the TessEm8000 continuous retrieving and presenting displaying information from Local Display Storage on three displays (screens), as fast as possible!

The TessEm8000 was running on a standard PC with the following data:
  • Operating system: Windows XP Professional version 2002, Service Pack 1
  • PC equipment: Intel Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz, 512 MB RAM.
  • Screen resolution: 2560 x 1024 pixels
  • Color quality: 32 bits per pixel ("Highest")
  • Display adapter: Matrox Parhelia, 128 MB RAM
TessEm8000 with displays (screens)

Start the video!