TessEm7000 Performance Comparison

A typical power distribution control display, see below, containing 2132 screen objects and 8 background color rectangles was used to compare the performance of the TessEm7000 with an original TESSELATOR 7000.

Typical power distribution control display
Typical power distribution control display

The display information was stored in Local Display Storage. Sending the following commands from a host computer to the display channel performed the test: CLEAR WORK AREA SCREEN (CF 48H) followed by LOCAL STORAGE LOAD (CF FBH). The command sequence was repeated 100 times sent in one communication message (ADLP10- and TOP-message).

Average display presentation time in ms
TessEm7000 22 (*) 9 (**)
TESSELATOR 7810 275 (*) -
(*)Lines drawn using symbols.
(**)Lines drawn using vectors.

The TessEm7000, version 2.2.0, was running on a standard PC with the following data:
  • Operating system: Windows 7 Professional version 2009, Service Pack 1, English 64-bit.
  • PC equipment: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 6700, 3.4 GHz 3.4 GHz, 16 GB RAM.
  • Screen resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels.
  • Color quality: 32 bits per pixel ("Highest").
  • Display adapter: Intel HD Graphics 530 1.8 GB graphic memory, 192 MB video memory.
Check out the blistering performance of the TessEm7000 compared with TESSELATOR 7810 in a low resolution video!
The video shows the performance test, described above, simultaneous run on the two types of system with the TESSELATOR 7810, to the left, and the TessEm7000 to the right.

Performance test systems

Start the video!